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Siren Head

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Some monsters are so scary that even stories about them make the blood freeze in your veins. Are you ready to meet one of these? But this adventure will really scare the hell out of you, so do not say that you were not warned. You will have to face a very weird creature. There is nobody who could survive the meeting with this enemy, but people pass some terrible rumors that this monster looks like a human but has no head. Instead, he has a siren attached with a wire. Are you still ready to accept the challenge?

Will you mislead your enemy?

There are several stories about Siren Head. But in each of them, you will be left alone in one location with Siren Head. The scariest of them is when you find yourself in the dark forest with no weapon. You know well the evil antagonist lives here. And he also knows that you enter his territory and starts his merciless hunting. You have only a flashlight in your hands, so all you can oppose to your opponent is your logic and wit. But you will have to move with extreme care as Siren Head has extraordinary hearing. It will be enough to step on a dry branch to attract his attention – he will attack you immediately. Your task is to cross this dangerous forest without being caught. The atmosphere is so gloomy that you will hear the beating of your own heart. And any sound may literally drive you insane. So if you love plots full of risks and dangers, this is the right game for you! Do not hesitate to start it now!

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